International Year of Sanitation Presentation

Protection of Water Against Nitrate Pollution

Protocol on Water and Health 2006

Protocol on Water and Health

Joint Report Regional Wash Conference

Joint Report Sanitation Status

Documents from Bulgaria:

Access to Drinking Water and Sanitation G. Bardarska

CEHAPE Regional Priority Goal 1

Environment at a Glance Ukraine

Europe's Sanitation Problem

Sanitation is a Priority Presentation

Sanitation Profile Bulgaria

Stockholm Water Week 2008

Suatainable Sanitation for Rural Bulgaria

Достъп до информация за водите

ЕкоСан в България

План за управление на околна среда

Проект на Стратегия за устойчиво развитие на Република България

Стратегия за развитие на ВиК услугите на територията на Столична Община

Закон за регулиране на водоснабдителните и канализационни услуги

Национална стратегия за управление и развитие на водния сектор

Защо е важно да пестим вода

Documents from Kyrgyzstan:

Hygiene and Sanitation Rural Areas Kyrgyzstan 2008

Kyrgyzstan 2007

Policy Framework for Wnvironment and Sustainable Development Kyrgyzstan

Safe and Profitable Toilets

Safe Water and Sanitation

Suatainable Sanitation Otabek Bozarbaev

Swiss Development Cooperation in Water Sector

Проект по Гигиене и Санитарии в Сельской местности: 4, 5, 6

Сельский Проект Гигиены и Санитарии

Проект по Гигиене и Санитарии в Сельской Местности

Kонтрольный перечень вопросов при приемке туалетов

Сельское водопроводно -
канализационное хозяйство в
Кыргызской Республики

Безопасные и выгодные туалеты

Руководство по проектированию  санитарных сооружений

Стратегия Швейцарии по Центральной Азии в секторе водопользования на 2002 – 2006

Сельские бани и здоровье

Documents from Ukraine:

Heat Water Sanitation Ukraine

National Plans for Financing Water and Sanitation

Right to Water and Sanitation

Role of NGOs for Water and Sanitation

Rural Water and Sanitation Ukraine

Sanitation and Epidemiology

Urban Water and Sanitation Management

Water and Sanitation Coverage Ukraine

Water and Sanitation Planning

Water Supply and Sanitation Ukraine Vladimir Kuznyetsov

Вода, санітарія і гігієна для всіх

Опитът на Мама Мама--86’’ за въвеждане на сухи разделящи урината тоалетни в Украйна

Ефективно управление на канализационната

Documents from Uzbekizstan:

Access to Sanitation

Hygienic Aspects of Sanitation Uzbekistan Vietnam

Sanitation Profile Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan Case Study

Uzbekistan Policy of Water Management and Usage Presentation

Water and Sanitation Coverage Uzbekistan

Water and Sanitation for Schools Uzbekistan

Water Supply and Sanitation Uzbekistan

Water Critical Resource for Uzbekistan Future

Water Sanitation Hygiene Aral Sea Area

WB Status of Contracts Uzbekistan 2007

Всемирный Банк в Центральной Азии

Water - Critical Resource for Uzbekistan’s Future:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Вода - жизненно важный ресурс для будущего Узбекистана: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Сув - Ўзбекистон келажаги учун муҳим ҳаётий ресурс: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

WASH coalition in Bulgaria:

WSSCC National Coordinator: Diana Iskreva-Idigo
Executive Director Earth Forever, Bulgaria

Tel./Fax: +359 42 63 46 41

WASH coalition in Kyrgyzstan:

WSSCC National coordinator: Zura Mendikulova

513 Frunze Street Apt. 5 Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan
Tel.: 996 312 215 853

WASH coalition in Ukraine:

WSSCC National coordinator: Anna Tsvietkova
Water and Sanitation Programme Coordinator
National Environmental NGO MAMA - 86

4 Yangel Academician Str., apt.126,
Kyiv 03057, Ukraine
Tel.: + 38 044 456 1338
Fax:+ 38 044 453 4796

WASH coalition in Uzbekizstan

WSSCC National coordinator: Oral Ataniyazova

P. O. Box 27, ul. Sharafa Rashidova 39a, 742012 Nukus, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan

Sanitation factsheet, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is situated in the center of Eurasia at 448900 km2. It consists of 12 provinces and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Natural resources are huge and diverse: minerals, massive fertile lands, pastures, considerable sun-light, plenty water resources; magnificent landscapes, favorable climate, salubrious sources of mineral water.

The population is 26 million people belonging to more than 100 ethnic groups; ¾ of the population is Uzbek. The birth rate is very high – 2.4% per year, with very high infant mortality rate of 37/1000 live births (64.3 among rural poorest population). 3/5 of the population of Uzbekistan is rural. Population density is low: 55.6 people/km2. 34% of the population is under 15 years old; only 5% are above 65.

Traditional Toilet    

The Aral Sea was the world's fourth largest inland body of water. It had a fishing industry that employed 60,000 people and a thriving tourist trade. Since the 1960's, the water from the two major rivers that flow into the Aral Sea, the Amu Darya, and Syr Darya Rivers, has increasingly been diverted for agricultural irrigation. The greatly reduced volumes of water entering the Sea and excessive contamination from leached salts and agricultural chemicals have shrunk the Aral Sea by approximately 70 percent in volume and 50 percent in area and have destroyed all biological life.

As a result, potable water, basic sanitation and health standards have deteriorated rapidly among the approximately 2.2 million inhabitants in the project area, of which about 59 percent have access to piped water systems. In rural areas, the most common form of water supply is the hand pump, but both coverage and quality are inadequate. A recent study found that an average of 59 people share a single hand pump. In addition, the ground water in many areas is high in salt; and even though several hundred rural areas have their own water desalinization units, an increasing lack of spare parts and training have hampered their use.

Uzbek water supply and sanitation facilities are often poorly designed, inadequately maintained, and in a poor state of repair. Rural water supply has particularly deteriorated due to budget cuts, leading to, high incidence of waterborne diseases among the residents.

Access to drinking water (2000)

  • Total 89%;
  • Urban 97%;
  • Rural 85%.
  • Access to improved sanitation

  • Total 89%;
  • Urban 96%;
  • Rural 85%.
  • Construction of sewage system network significantly lags behind construction of water supply systems, and 54% of urban and only 3% of rural population are provided with them.

    Uzbek government has raised significant finances in recent years to improve the water and sanitation system of the country, incl. the regions mostly lagging behind.

    In support of the Government of Uzbek efforts to improve the quality and management of scarce regional water resources, the Bank helped to financed the Pilot Water Supply Engineering Project approved in September 1996. Building on the data from this earlier project, the Bank-assisted Water Supply, Sanitation and Health Project of  75 million USD from World Bank to improve rural water supply and health in Aral Sea area of Uzbekistan. The project was designed to reverse the severe health and environmental damage caused by the degradation of the Aral Sea. The project will help to improve the health of the rural population of Karakalpaskstan and Khorezm, two of the poorest regions of Uzbekistan, by investing in water and sanitation infrastructure. The immediate impact of the project was planned to be safe and reliable water supply services for about 1.46 million people in Uzbekistan's rural, western region. The project will also directly benefit about 25 000 inhabitants with improved sanitation facilities

    Toilet Built by UNICEF

    The project was meant to provide safe drinking water along with improved hygiene education and sanitation facilities to decrease the incidence of waterborne disease, particularly diarrheal disease among children; and strengthen the management, operation and financial performance of the region's water supply and sanitation utilities as well as regional health centers

    The total project cost is 117 million USD.

    Around 250 000 rural residents in Uzbekistan are meant to receive access to safe drinking water and sanitation through a project to rehabilitate dilapidated infrastructure in two provinces, backed by a 25 million USD ADB loan.

    The project helps to improve living conditions and public health in about 170 villages in Kashkadarya and Navoi provinces About 30% of people live below the poverty line in the two provinces. The project will rehabilitate and upgrade piped water supply systems, will build public and school latrines, and will improvide wastewater drainage facilities. Some 12 subprojects are carried out covering clusters of 20 villages. Recent surveys show that 70% of the villages do not have a piped water supply system. In rural areas, people often have to walk long distances only to obtain contaminated water from untreated sources. There are few wastewater collection systems, and the waste disposal infrastructure is below acceptable standards.

    The project promotes institutional development: a training program for central and local government staff and other stakeholders to efficiently plan, implement, operate and maintain the new systems. It conducts a hygiene and sanitation education program, to improve understanding of the close interrelationship between hygiene, water, sanitation, and health among the local population.

    The estimated total project cost is 36 million USD.

    In December 2008, the ADB provided a loan of 100 million USD for improvement of water resources management and state of lands in Andijan, Navoi, Namangan, Samarkand and Ferghana regions. The project envisages recovery of 150 km of channels, over 500 lm of collector and drainage constructions, and reconstruction of 8 pump stations irrigating 150 000 ha of lands in Ferghana and Zarafshan valleys. The approximate period of the project implementation is six years. The loan agreement is expected to be signed in early 2009.

    In December 2008, the Government of Uzbekistan and the World Bank have signed a 935 000 USD worth grant provided by the government of Japan. The grant aims at supporting the preparation of the proposed Syrdarya Water Supply and Sanitation Project, which has as its objectives to improve the quality of life and quality of basic municipal services through the provision of water supply and sanitation in Syrdarya region and its six districts. The Project will finance:

  • strategic rehabilitation and efficiency improvement of existing facilities in critical condition;
  • institutional strengthening of the six districts water utilities;
  • strengthening of the six districts water utilities’ financial capacity through improved financial management and commercial practices.
  • The activities covered by the grant include preparation of feasibility studies, detailed designs, environmental, social, economic and other assessments, development of project implementation plans, carrying out of stakeholder consultations, in-country training, studies and workshops, surveys, and provision of technical advisory services (including audits) and goods required for the carrying out of such activities.

    The grant will serve as a pre-condition for signing another 88 million loan with the World Bank. Under the recently approvedCountry Assistance Strategy (CAS), the Uzbek government requested further financial support for water supply and sanitation for 5 new projects in rural and urban areas of Uzbekistan.

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